Yesterday I added an SSL certificate to a client’s website. This client has OptimizePress already installed and dozens of opt-in pages and sales pages previously created using the OptimizePress plugin. Adding the SSL certificate, which was done with a SiteGround plugin that automated the entire process, went smoothly, until…
I immediately got an alert that OptimizePress key was not working. So I figured it was because of the switch from http to https. Yep…just needed to re-save the current key and all was well.
After I did that, the green padlock symbol changed to gray with a red slash through it. Sigh.
So obviously that had to do with OptimizePress also. I realized it didn’t update the links and locations that are in those pages. Ugh… I really didn’t want this 5 minute task to turn into a 5 hour chore of digging through ALL of those pages to update each individual image and link.
Realizing that others likely had the same problem, and hoping for an easy solution, I went to the OptimizePress support page and quickly found what was needed.
Here are the steps to resolve SSL security issues with OptimizePress after installing a new certificate on a site with older pages.
First, re-save the general dashboard settings of OptimizePress, which will re-validate your API key.
Now, you will need to download the Helper Tools plugin that OptimizePress has created to update links and images after you migrate a site to a new URL. It will work the same for this SSL purpose. Click here to access those instructions and the plugin.
It will download a .zip file. Save this to your computer, do not unzip it.
Go to the plugins areas of the website you are working on. Install the plugin by uploading it. Activate the plugin.
On the left side dashboard menu, go to Tools and then OP Helper Tools.
Click on Migrations.
In the entry for “Old domain”, type in your domain without the SSL certificate. Example:
In the entry for “New domain” type in your domain with the SSL certificate. Example:
Click migrate domain.
You will see a notification of the number of links that were updated and the lock symbol next to the URL in your browser should turn green immediately.
That’s it! I hope this worked well for you. I’d love to hear your comments. If you run into problems, feel free to ask.
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